Wow! It's been a busy time at H!P HQ recently... with the release of 2 albums that are of interest to me, C-ute's 5th album ショッキング5, and the third offering by Buono!, called "We are Buono!", along with the upcoming single by S/mileage, titled "オトナになるって難しい!!!", and Morning Musume's 42nd single "女が目立って なぜイケナイ".
Alot of people have (sadly) been slating the the C-ute album, saying it's boring, or slow, or full of too many Suzuki Airi solo's....
Personally, I have really enjoyed it, of course all the singles included (Shock!, Bye Bye Bye, Everyday 絶好調!! & a remix of 暑中お見舞い申し上げます) have been heard before, along with the B-side to 暑中 - 「残暑 お見舞い 申し上げます。」, which is one of the controversial Airi solo songs - and damned beautiful in my opinion - but the new songs from the album are strong, and in many cases mature, and build on the increasing maturity of C-ute's recent releases.
In many ways it's a sad thing to see, as I love C-ute's young and sweet sound, of the previous albums, but you have to realise that they are growing up, so their music will grow up with them, and in that way, an increased maturity of their sound is a good thing - as you need to develop, or stagnate.
The Buono album was another exciting release, for me, and it in my mind, a very stunning album, full of strong, rocky riffs, added to the beautiful vocals of Airi, Momo & Miyabi, which gives Buono! their fantastic appeal to the old rocker in me.
Maybe it isn't as strong as some of their previous albums, but then again, it's hard to build on perfection, as only different types of perfection will do!!! and in that way, this album delivers.
Now onto the new MM single. This has seen, again, alot of negative views from the fanbase, and I have read uncomplimentary things about it, and the future of MM on the forums I frequent, which saddens me, as personally I love the way MM are heading, as with 気まぐれプリンセ, this is a vibrant and forward looking song.
Alot of people have been bemoaning the quality of the PV too, and again, i say "Bah!" It is nice, I like the 'runway' approach, it shows off the girls well, and fits the songs tempo and feel.
I have yet to hear the new S/mileage song enough times to really decide how well I like it, but from the few listens I've had time to give it, it's going to get a thumbs-up, when I once more get time to put finger to keyboard!!
Also, I may be very well changing the style of Blog post I do from now on, as I feel that just giving out a personal review of new merchandise doesn't really fulfill me, and I'm sure it bores you, the reader, so I'm going to try and start blogging like I mean it, from now on!
Witness random Idol based waffle, personal feelings on the state of wotadom, anger at public idiocy that affects wota the world round, and some upcoming info on what I'm getting upto in my personal life, and my quest to get to Japan, which is ongoing right now!
All this, and more (or maybe less) will be forthcoming, soon! As soon as I can be arsed.
7 months ago
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